From Darkness to Purpose: How I Overcame Anxiety, Depression, and Alcoholism to Help Other Men

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powerless over alcohol

The self-awareness that comes with realizing how bad things are and how damaging the substance abuse has been is how you can start to desire a better future for yourself. I began working in the treatment field for alcohol and drug addiction in January 2020, and it has provided me with a sense of purpose, as helping others has always been a passion of mine. I worked in construction prior to this field and needed a complete change in career as I was too suffering from substance addiction. I watch clients walk through the door, broken, and still remember when it was I who felt hopeless. After learning the necessary coping skills and engaging in a 12-step fellowship, my life began to change, and only for the better. I now enjoy working with others and helping them get through the hard times of early recovery.

Begin Your Recovery at Enlightened Recovery

powerless over alcohol

There are also other non-alcohol-related causes for the condition…. Many people who come to us feel hopeless about the their situation, often quoting Alanon and Powerlessness as a reason to stop trying to change their circumstances. Once you’ve completed Step One and progressed further in your recovery, you may find yourself in a position to help others who are just beginning their journey.

powerless over alcohol

Examples of Powerlessness Over Alcohol

Through their stories, we learn that recovery is possible and that the strength of the group can carry us through our weakest moments. Alcoholics Anonymous teaches us to turn to a higher power, however we define it, for strength and guidance. This isn’t about religious Sober living house beliefs; it’s about finding a source of hope greater than our addiction. Whether through AA meetings, support groups like Al-Anon, or personal practices, connecting with a higher power brings clarity and peace, breaking the cycle of addiction.

powerless over alcohol

Family Nurse Practioner

  • After all, while people with AUD are powerless over alcohol, their loved ones feel powerless as well.
  • Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  • As a licensed clinician, Cheryl stands ready to diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of mental, behavioral, and personality disorders that sometimes present alongside a substance use disorder.
  • Craving leads to compulsive actions—missing appointments, destroying relationships, and putting everything on the line just to feel the ease and comfort of using again.
  • Because it all begins with Step 1 of AA, it’s very important to understand why you can’t skip this step, even though it doesn’t require specific physical actions.
  • After overcoming homelessness and drug addiction, Adam found his life’s purpose in helping addicts find the same freedom he found.

Calls to any general helpline will be answered or returned by one of the treatment providers listed, each of which is a paid advertiser. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

  • The original references to God were quickly challenged in the early days of AA, and Bill W.
  • This step is essential for breaking the illusion of control that somehow, someday, we will be able to drink or drug like normal people without losing control.
  • We all suffer from the same powerlessness over mood and mind-altering substances, people, places, and things.
  • Step one was a gateway to freedom and a proclamation of progress.
  • We don’t have the power over the obsession to drink, nor do we have the power to control how much we drink once we start.

Personal Stories of Surrender and Hope

Then, you must accept that an outside source of help will allow you to overcome your powerless over alcohol struggle with addiction. Rather than pushing you to believe in spiritual power, Step 1 of AA gets you to the point where you trust in the possibility of recovery. Then, you’re ready to believe you can manage your AUD with help from outside sources. This dilemma represents a significant public health challenge, as it often goes unnoticed or ignored due to social stigma, denial, or lack of awareness. Individuals struggling with alcoholism may not seek help due to feelings of shame, fear of judgment, or a belief that they can manage their drinking on their own.

  • The original version of the Twelve Steps and The Big Book makes numerous references to God, and this is largely because the steps were based on the six principles of The Oxford Group, a religious movement.
  • This phenomenon explains why casual drinkers can stop after one or two drinks, while we spiral into destructive behavior.
  • At Enlightened Recovery, we offer a holistic, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders.
  • This isn’t about religious beliefs; it’s about finding a source of hope greater than our addiction.
  • By accepting that you’re powerless over alcohol, drugs or addictive behavior, you’ve come to terms with your personal limitations.

I sought knowledge about mindset, personal growth, and fitness. I surrounded myself with people who inspired me instead of dragging me down. Steeped in the 12-step philosophy and community, Shannon enthusiastically educates clients, especially newcomers in recovery, on the simple model and its transformative ways to a new life in sobriety.

Examples of Powerlessness In Sobriety List

Being born and raised in Gaithersburg, Maryland, it was always a dream for James to start a program where he began his own recovery journey. Having faced addiction in his own life, and having worked through recovery, James truly understands what it takes to get sober and stay sober. James now has the opportunity to do what he loves and help others achieve long-term recovery. For those of us who used the 12 Steps on our quest to recovery – step one can be a lot to take in. Step one encompasses the total and utter powerlessness found in the depths of the disease of addiction. As crazy as it sounds, I was completely powerless over my addiction but I was also completely ignorant of how far down the scale I had fallen.

The Solution: Acceptance of Powerlessness

Addiction treatment centers often talk about “powerless” as a way to describe the feeling of being unable to control one’s life. This is different from the inability to manage one’s life, which is what most people think of when they hear the word unmanageable. In fact, many people who struggle with addiction feel like they have little power over their disease but still want to change.

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It’s a moment of profound self-realization and humility, opening the door to hope, healing and transformation. Remember, the 1st step AA is not the end but the beginning of a brighter future. If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction or drug addiction, please contact us now at FHE Health for compassionate help and support. Bunmi is a recent graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a concentration in Human Services. Bunmi is dedicated to helping her clients reach their full potential and build their toolkit of resources to support their long-term recovery. Throughout that process, he learned the importance of helping others and living by spiritual principles.

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